What's New

Beauty Meets Fragrance When love, Aunt Bonnie & Sniffapalooza Team Up to Create “Love at First Sniff!”

LOVE_AT_FIRST_SNIFF-3We’re so excited! Click above to order our specially curated Sniffapalooza #LoveAtFirstSniff #BonnieBox while they last. $130 Retail Value for just $25.  Limited Quantities, No Subscription Necessary.


Giveaway Winner

And the #SniffaSpringFling2015 Lunch Loot Winner Is…..

2015 Lunch Loot SF copy

Robin D Bradbury!!!

Please contact us with your mailing address and your

Sniffapalooza Spring Fling Lunch Loot will be on its way!


What's New

Sniffapalooza Collaborates with Love Aunt Bonnie for Love at First Sniff!

sniffapalooza teaseClick above and check back soon for details!